
4 Keys to Designing a World Class Logo

March 30, 2021by Adam Matthews0

Your logo is more than just a representation of your brand, it’s the heart and soul of it. Have you ever seen a big brand without an excellent logo? No? That’s because they all have one. A professionally designed logo can give you the edge over your competition by establishing good rapport with your audience. There are many ways a well designed logo can serve your business, here are some important keys when designing your logo.

Know your brand

Before you even start to design your logo make sure that you have a clearly defined brand. It is important to know that your logo will be reaching a particular group of people and marketing a particular message. All your marketing efforts will be grounded in the underlying foundation of your brand identity.

Your logo should reflect your brand identity

All great brands have a logo that fully represents their business. The colors and designs that you choose should fully align with what your business offers. NBC’s logo is a perfect example of a logo that fully represents their company’s identity. Did you know that NBC was one of the first companies to sell colored television sets? That’s one of the reasons why they’ve adopted a colorful logo. If you look closely you can see that there’s a peacock spreading its feathers. This represents broadcasting with pride.

Keep it simple

Although your logo should be profound, it should also be simple. If it’s overly convoluted or complicated this can easily cause confusion amongst your audience. Your logo should only represent the components of your business that are critical and nothing else. Apple’s logo is a perfect example of the power of simplicity.

Hire professional logo designers

Did you know that some of the best logos in the world were designed by one person? Paul
Rand is an example of a truly great logo creator, having created the logos for IBM, ABC, UPS, Westinghouse, Enron, and NeXT. While unfortunately Paul Rand has passed away, we’re still here. For the last two decades we’ve designed logos for start-ups, Fortune 500s, and corporations. Whether you’re looking to redesign your logo, update it, or create a new one, our award winning designers will help you design and brand your company to new levels.

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